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Prime Your Body for Exercise with These 7 Yoga Poses

Warming up before a workout is crucial to prepare your body for the physical challenges ahead. Incorporating yoga poses into your warm-up routine can enhance flexibility, increase blood flow to your muscles, and reduce the risk of injuries. Whether you are about to engage in a high-intensity interval training session or a long-distance run, these yoga poses will help prime your body, making your workout both effective and enjoyable.

1. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

Description: Cat-Cow Pose is a gentle flow between two poses that warms up the body and brings flexibility to the spine. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. As you inhale, drop your belly towards the mat while lifting your head and tailbone, creating an arch in your back (Cow Pose). On the exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling and tuck your chin to your chest (Cat Pose). Repeat several times.

Benefits: This pose sequence helps to stretch the neck, back, and torso, improving spinal flexibility and creating a sense of flow through the body. It also helps to relieve tension in the shoulders and lower back.

Targeted Muscles: Spinal extensors, abdominals, and shoulders.

2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Description: Begin on your hands and knees. Tuck your toes under and push your hips up and back to straighten your legs, forming an inverted V shape with your body. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and feet should be hip-width apart.

Benefits: This pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders, and can help to strengthen the arms and legs. It also calms the brain and relieves stress and mild depression.

Targeted Muscles: Hamstrings, calves, deltoids, and trapezius.

3. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

Description: Start in a standing position, step one foot back, and bend the front knee to a 90-degree angle while keeping the back leg straight. Raise your arms overhead with palms facing each other, and turn your hips to face forward.

Benefits: Warrior I helps to build focus, power, and stability. It stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders, neck, belly, and groins while strengthening the legs and ankles.

Targeted Muscles: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.

4. Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Description: From a standing forward bend, step one foot back and lower the knee to the ground, placing the top of the foot flat on the floor. Bend the front knee to form a 90-degree angle, and lift your torso up with arms extended overhead.

Benefits: This pose stretches the thighs, groin, and hips and helps to open up the chest and shoulders. It also builds strength in the legs and improves balance.

Targeted Muscles: Hip flexors, quadriceps, and glutes.

5. Child's Pose (Balasana)

Description: Kneel on the mat with your big toes touching and knees wide apart. Sit back on your heels, extend your arms forward, and rest your forehead on the ground.

Benefits: Child's Pose gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles, providing a gentle stretch for the spine. It helps to calm the mind and relieve stress and fatigue.

Targeted Muscles: Hips, thighs, and ankles.

6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Description: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders, palms facing down. Press into your palms and lift your head, chest, and upper back off the ground while keeping the hips grounded. Hold for a few breaths before releasing.

Benefits: Cobra pose strengthens the spine, arms, and shoulders while stretching the chest, lungs, and abdomen. It also helps to improve posture and relieve lower back pain.

Targeted Muscles: Spinal extensors, erector spinae muscles, abdominals, biceps, triceps, glutes.

7. Balancing Table Pose (Dandayamana Bharmanasana)

Description: Begin on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees under hips. Extend one arm forward and the opposite leg back, keeping both parallel to the ground. Hold for a few breaths before switching sides.

Benefits: This pose improves balance, strengthens the core and stabilizing muscles, and increases flexibility in the hips and shoulders.

Targeted Muscles: Core muscles, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, deltoids.


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